Presentation Details
I live in St. Charles, IL and present to organizations of all sizes in northern and central Illinois, as well as southern Wisconsin. The 60-90 minute length of presentations is flexible, varying with question and answer time. I am happy to adjust to your time frame.
Nature permitting, classes in summer and early fall will include live butterflies, caterpillars, and/or chrysalides.

Amazing Monarchs!
60-90+ min PowerPoint with my own laptop and projector; 30 min set up
Monarchs are one of the most recognized and loved butterflies! We’ll look at their incredible lifecycle and fascinating annual migration to Mexico. We’ll also talk about how you can help conserve and create habitat for these amazing little wonders. Classes in late August – early Oct. will include tagging and releasing of Monarchs, nature permitting.

Monarch Workshop
90-120+ min PowerPoint with my own laptop and projector plus demonstration; 30 min set up
An expanded version of the Amazing Monarchs! presentation listed above. The workshop includes a demonstration of the materials I use to raise and tag monarchs as well as discussion of what methods have worked best for me. Classes in late August – early Oct. will include tagging and releasing of Monarchs, nature permitting.

Butterfly Gardening
60+ min. PowerPoint with my own laptop and projector; 30 min set up
Whether you offer a planter or a whole prairie, you can easily attract these beautiful creatures to your yard for generations. Learn about the lifecycle of butterflies and how to garden for each stage of their life. Includes nectar and host plants and most common butterflies. Classes in late August – early Oct. will include tagging and releasing of Monarchs, nature permitting.

Who is that in my garden?
60+ min PowerPoint with my own laptop and projector; 30 min set up
There are approximately 140 species of butterflies found in Illinois, of these 20-30 are most common in the home landscape. So who is that in my garden? How can I attract more?! We’ll cover tips for identifying the most common butterflies and what to plant in order to attract specific species.

Sensory Gardening
60+ min PowerPoint with my own laptop and projector; 30 min set up
The beauty and fragrance of flowers may stir something in a gardener’s soul but there is so much more in the landscape that can stimulate the senses. Learn what plants and features you can add to enhance your gardening experience, connect more closely with nature and reduce stress. Time permitting, we’ll also look at a few tips to consider as we garden into our golden years.

Shinrin-yoku - the practice of forest bathing/nature therapy
60+ min PowerPoint with my own laptop and projector; 30 min set up
Shinrin-yoku (“forest bathing”) was developed in Japan in the ‘80s and has become a component of their healthcare system. The positive effects of nature on one’s health and well-being, no matter the setting, have been recognized by world cultures for centuries. A growing number of books and articles on the topic may be found on the Internet and in publications. This interactive presentation will cover some of the activities you can do while spending time outdoors to help awaken your senses, be mindful of your surroundings and build a deeper connection with nature. Part of the session includes a virtual forest walk and ends with a tea service.

Let’s Take a Nature Therapy Walk!
The Practice of Shinrin-yoku/Forest Bathing/Nature Therapy
1 hour 45 minute walk at a natural area of your group’s choice, with approval of the owners/management and review by Janie. Longer walks may also be scheduled. Alternatives may be planned for groups with members of limited mobility. Walks usually cover only half a mile.
Let’s take a slow short walk in a natural area. Janie will guide you in simple activities designed to awaken your senses. By mindfully experiencing your surroundings, you may begin to build a deeper relationship with nature for the purpose of enhancing your overall well-being. We will end the session with tea brewed on site from natural ingredients.

Native plants...in my HOME GARDEN?!
60+ min PowerPoint with my own laptop and projector; 30 min set up
“I keep hearing that native plants are important but do I really want them in my garden?” Learn what makes native plants special and which ones are better behaved in a home garden. We’ll also discuss which will attract birds and butterflies to your yard.